On Wednesday the 15th, after walking Sara to GSU, I familiarized myself with a small part of downtown Atlanta. I picked up Darwin’s first edition of On the Origin of Species at Park Place Bookstore before having a savory salmon wrap at Pixels Café next door. I made my way through Centennial Olympic Park and saw a performance by the computer controlled Fountain of Rings, before returning to my casa. On Friday, UPS delivered what I’ve anxiously been anticipating.
Replacing the upper triple clamp required removing the ignition security bolts. A local Atlanta land trust was able to lend me a drill to do this. Three hours later, I had the upper triple clamp replaced and steering damper mounted. This being my first time working with this bike’s steering, I moved slowly to assure everything was done carefully. Besides the right brake line guide for the high fender needing some convincing with a file to fit into its new home, everything came off and went on without a hitch.

Late this morning I drove a short loop through the forests of north Georgia to get a feel for my new steering. I didn’t encounter terrain that was too demanding, but was still able to familiarize myself with how the damper handled on gravel and the street. I was impressed, but the true tests have yet to come.

Hey Kyle this is Scott form Boca. I just wanted to let you know that I am rooting for you, and that I an enjoying reading how your travels are going. I wish you all the best!